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Ios App Integration With Facebook

Writer's picture: discroloconsonatusdiscroloconsonatus

Lastly, copy following code into viewDidLoad() method to observe for changes in Facebook access token and print out the access token value. We can use this to verify that the user has successfully sign in with Facebook.

ios app integration with facebook

In Settings, you'll find a listing for Facebook. Go there to start setting up Facebook's new integration with iOS. If you don't already have the Facebook iOS app installed on your device, you'll be able to download the app there.

You can then log in to Facebook directly in Settings and customize how you want Facebook and your iOS device to interact. After entering your credentials, you'll be presented with a screen alerting you to what Facebook can do now that it's integrated at the operating-system level in iOS.

You'll also be able to share URLs in Safari, pictures from the Photos and Messages apps, your location from Maps, as well as "Like" apps in the App Store. There are more sharing options built into the OS by Apple; those were just a few examples. As more apps are updated for iOS 6 and developers integrate Facebook into their apps, we're likely to see more clever uses of iOS 6's Facebook integration.

However, a word of warning: Not long after iOS 6 became available for download, users noticed that, by default, people can make Facebook and Twitter updates using Siri even if the phone is locked with a passcode. That means your prankster friends could easily grab your phone while you're not looking and post updates to your Facebook and Twitter pages without ever needing to know your passcode.

To block the use of Siri on a locked device, go to Settings > General > Passcode Lock > Siri. Then slide the toggle button to the off position. Just be aware that this means you won't be able to use Siri to do anything from the lock screen without entering in your passcode.

Facebook ads consist of a nice way to embed advertisements in your apps and make some money out of them if they gain significant visibility. The process to get there (to embed ads) is not complicated at all, as Facebook SDK (an SDK with frameworks made by Facebook) contains an ad-related framework called Audience Network. That framework is pretty much all you need for having ads being served inside an app.

The place you have to always start from when integrating ads is the Facebook Developers portal, because there are actions you have to take in there, and some vital data to fetch as well. Quickly mentioning them, you need to create a new Facebook app and then do some configuration, with ultimate goal to get some unique identifiers that will be used for the ads that will be displayed in your iOS app.

Once you do so, two additional fields will appear in that form: In the first one provide an email address so they can get in touch with you, and select the best category that your app matches to in the second one.

The FBNativeAdView comes with four predefined heights that you should choose from. You define the type of the view upon initialisation (look the withType parameter above) by using any of the available options that the FBNativeAdViewType enum provides:

Once again, I recommend you read the documentation regarding the FBNativeAdTableViewCellProvider and FBNativeAdTableViewAdProvider classes. But even without doing so, you understand that the above method adjusts the number of rows to the tableview, taking into account the ads that should be displayed too.

Integrating Facebook features into an app is nowadays a quite common task, and one of the most important steps in the integration process is the login functionality implementation. Logging in with Facebook not only allows you to attach a social characteristic into your app, but it can also be used as a login system instead of creating a custom one. By adding it you offer to users a familiar way to authenticate, considering that the majority of users use Facebook.

After you have logged in, you will be probably guided to your Facebook home page. In this case, at the top bar, click on the most-right link with a down arrow image, and from the menu that will appear select the Manage Apps option.

Finally, create a new key named URL Types, and set its type to array with one item only. Give it the URL Schemes title and make it an array too. In the one and only item that should be contained, set the app ID value you copied from the Facebook dashboard, prefixing it with the fb literal. The next figure illustrates all the three additions on the .plist file:

Now that both the profile picture view and the username label can be shown when we have logged in, they must be assigned with values too. This will take place to another delegate method, which provides us with the info we want. That method contains a FBGraphUser object as parameter, which actually is a NSDictionary object, and it contains all the public info of the logged in user. Here is the implementation:

A few questions/comments:1. Why should we use test users instead of ourselves to test our apps?2. How do we get our apps authorized by FB to be put in the app store with FB features working?3. The tutorial mentions FBLoginValue instead of FBLoginView in one location.

I want Facebook photos/albums of a user in iOS app. My App will work like : When user will click on a import pic button, app will ask for Login with Facebook and after that import pic/albums functionality will start. How can I do this? Can anyone please give me step by step guidance? Thanks In advanced..

Earlier, James walked you through how to use Firebase for user authentication with email/password. It is very common nowadays for developers to utilize some federated identity provider credentials such as Google Sign-in and Facebook Login, and let users to sign up the app with their own Facebook accounts. In this tutorial, we will see how to use Firebase Authentication to integrate with Facebook Login.

This is one of the advantages for using Firebase Authentication to pair with other secure authentication services. And, you can manage all users (whether they use email, Facebook or Google to login) in the same Firebase console.

The demo project is very simple. The welcome screen displays two buttons: Sign In with Facebook and Sign In with Google. We will implement the Facebook login button in this tutorial. For the Google Sign in button, I will leave you as an exercise.

The login process is very similar to that of email address. Say, when the user taps the Sign in with Facebook button for the first time, the app brings up a login screen for users. The login screen is provided by Facebook, and the user is required to sign in with his/her Facebook account. In addition to that, the user has to grant our app privileges to retrieve his/her email address and public profile (e.g. display name).

As mentioned before, you will have to go through several configuration procedures. The next step is to set up a new Facebook app. Go to Facebook for Developers site, log in with your Facebook account. In the dropdown menu of My Apps, choose Add a new app. You will be prompted to give your app a display name and a category. I set the name to NorthernLights and choose Photo for category.

You may notice the OAuth redirect URI. Google APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. After a user logs in with his/her Facebook account and grants the access permissions, Facebook will inform Firebase through a callback URL. Here, the OAuth redirect URI is the URL.

The LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key specifies the URL schemes your app can use with the canOpenURL: method of the UIApplication class. If the user has the official Facebook app installed, it may switch to the app for login purpose. In such case, it is required to declare the required URL schemes in this key, so that Facebook can properly perform the app switch.

After the user signs in with Facebook, whether he/she grants our app permission or not, the complete handler will be called. Here we first check if there is any error. If not, we proceed to retrieve the access token for the user and convert it to a Firebase credential by calling:

You should be very familiar with the rest of the code. We call the signIn method of FIRAuth with the Facebook credential. If there is any error, we present an error dialog. Otherwise, we display the home screen and dismiss the current view controller.

Now switch to Main.storyboard, and choose the Welcome View Controller Scene. Control drag from the Sign In With Facebook button to the view controller icon of the dock. Release the buttons and select facebookLoginWithSender: in the popover menu to connect the action method.

Here you can click the Add button to add a new test user. In the popover menu, set the number of test users to 1 and then hit the Create Test Users button. Facebook will then generate a test user with random name and email address. Click the Edit button next to the new test user and select Change the name or password for this test user to modify its password.

Great! You are now ready to test the app. Run the app and select Sign In with Facebook when it launches. Log in with the test account you just created. If everything goes smoothly, you should be able to access the home screen.

In this tutorial, I walked you through how to use Firebase to integrate with Facebook Login. I intentionally left out the Google Sign-in button unimplemented. Try to refer the Google Sign In documentation and see if you manage to enable the app with Google Sign In.

Founder of AppCoda. Author of multiple iOS programming books including Beginning iOS Programming with Swift and Mastering SwiftUI. iOS App Developer and Blogger. Follow me at Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Amazon Cognito identity pools integrate with Facebook to provide federated authentication for your mobile application users. This section explains how to register and set up your application with Facebook as an IdP.

To add Facebook authentication, first follow the appropriate flow below to integrate the Facebook SDK into your application. Amazon Cognito identity pools use the Facebook access token to generate a unique user identifier that is associated with an Amazon Cognito identity. 2ff7e9595c

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